Flourish | New Roots Herbal | Natural Health Products
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Metabolic Syndrome: Act before It’s Too Late
Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that significantly increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. These factors...
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Next-Level Health with an ND
As it is now estimated that 1 in 5 Canadians do not have a family doctor,[i] naturopathic doctors are poised to play an essential role in our...
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Quashing Cravings: Some Food for Thought
What Are Cravings? If you have ever experienced the urge to eat certain foods—sweet, salty, fatty foods—or even get excited at the...
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Creative Ways to Drink More Water
Water intake is essential to human life; it is a simple solution that improves health and wellness. Some dislike the taste, others find it boring,...
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Eating with the Seasons
Summer is here! Along with longer days and warmer temperatures, Canadians can also enjoy a plethora of local fresh fruits and vegetables this...
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Resetting Your Circadian Rhythms
Tick-tock, how’s your clock? To be accurate, your clocks (plural), since they are located in almost every tissue and organ of your body!...
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Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil: Your Secret Weapon for Sensitive, Dry, or Reactive Skin
Sunny days are here, and while many women simplify their regular skincare routines, those with sensitive or problem skin might be more hesitant to...
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Balancing Sunshine, Safety, and Vitamin D
As the sunny weather is upon us, it is a great time to take advantage of our body’s wonderful ability to work with the sun in order to...
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Mosquitoes Crashing Your Party?
Often-unwelcome guests at backyard parties and barbecues, mosquitoes can really interrupt your summer party vibe. Here are some natural ways to...
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Blue Zones and the Evidence-Based Practices Associated with Longevity
With the global population aging at an unprecedented rate, there is a growing urgency to uncover ways to improve the health of our extended...
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Gardening for Health
As the snow starts to melt, the first robin of the season is spotted, and little bits of green start popping up from the ground, you might be...
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Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Stacking the Odds in Your Favour
Neurodegenerative diseases are among the most common conditions that humans suffer from as we age. These include Alzheimer’s and...
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So, Your Mother-in-Law Is Moving in…
Does the thought of a parent moving in with you strike joy or terror in your heart? Until recently, an extended family member living under the same...
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How Well Do You Eat v. Do You Eat Well?
Nutrition is a vast subject and experts differ on what eating well means. You may have a “perfect” diet, but how well are you eating...
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Guide to Slaying Cold-and-Flu Season
As the chill of autumn makes way for winter, our battle against the annual cold-and-flu season is underway. With health being at the top of...
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Oh Poop—Stuck Again?
Are you feeling stuck again? Constipation can be difficult to live with and manage. In this article, I will be discussing some lifestyle factors...
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