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Strengthen Immune Performance to Sideline Colds and Flu this Winter
Exposure to seasonal colds is inevitable. How we resist infection and accelerate recovery directly affect how we “enjoy” winter. There...
Posted Feb 2, 2018|Health
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Why Detox for Fall? A TCM Approach for Cold and Flu Prevention and More!
The Seasons and Health In Chinese medicine, each season and its element—wood, fire, earth, metal, or water—govern the flow of qi...
Posted Sep 25, 2018|Health
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Fighting Cold-and-Flu Season Naturally Back to Basics!
You may have felt it already: the runny nose, the sore throat, that embarrassing cough. Or perhaps you’ve taken the day off work because...
Posted Dec 14, 2018|Naturopathic Currents
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Give Seasonal Viruses the Cold Shoulder
With about 200 variations of the common cold and a novel strain of flu marketed as the next epidemic every fall, all with no cure in sight,...
Posted Jan 5, 2018|Health
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Guide to Slaying Cold-and-Flu Season
As the chill of autumn makes way for winter, our battle against the annual cold-and-flu season is underway. With health being at the top of...
Posted Jan 9, 2024|Lifestyle & Wellness
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How to Keep Your Family Healthy During Cold and Flu Season: Naturopathic Perspectives
As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, viruses tend to start making their way around as well. This is especially true if you have kids...
Posted Oct 2, 2020|Naturopathic Currents
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Influencing the Gut Microbiota and Host Health: Naturopathic Perspectives
Would it surprise you to know that the human colon contains about 3.3 lb of bacteria?[1] This microbiota is practically its own organ, acting...
Posted Oct 2, 2020|Naturopathic Currents
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Elderberry: Old Meets New—Traditional and Modern Medicine for Colds and Flus
Elderberry, the most common variety for medicinal purposes being Sambucus nigra, is found broadly across Europe and North America.[1] It has a...
Posted Oct 2, 2020|Naturopathic Currents
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Immune Support: Preventing Seasonal Cold and Flu
Winter can be a beautiful time of year, especially if you enjoy activities involving fluffy snow and shimmering ice. Let’s delve into some...
Posted Jan 19, 2021|Naturopathic Currents
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Is There an Alpha among Omegas?
In the realm of natural health products, omegas have emerged as industry leaders, providing numerous benefits for our wellbeing. However, with a...
Posted Jul 31, 2023|Health
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