As Seasons Change, Should Our Supplements?

Now that we have transitioned from sunglasses and swim trunks to sweaters and parkas, it is important that we also consider what changes need to be made to our health as the seasons change. Many of us suffer from dry skin, weight gain, low mood, and sleep disturbances during winter.[i] Not to mention the infamous wave (sometimes waves) of cold and flu that we can never seem to avoid. So, whether it be a medicine-cabinet cleanout or a new purchase from the health-food store, it is safe to say that we all need to spruce up our current protocol.

Bracing Immune Sup port

After all the leaves have fallen and our noses start running, it is time to show our immune system a little extra TLC.[ii]

For reference, the immune system is a complex network consisting of specialized blood cells, vessels, and organs that work together to defend the body against harmful invaders.[iii] When the immune system is compromised, not only are we more prone to getting sick, but symptoms are usually more intense, and the duration of illness is much longer.[iv]

The maintenance of a healthy immune system can be impacted by the vitamins and minerals in our diet.[v] Alongside brewing a big pot of bone broth, it is probably a good time to stock up on some nutraceuticals including vitamins D and C, zinc, and echinacea this upcoming season.[vi] Between 70 and 97% of Canadians have low vitamin D levels, which have been associated with an increased susceptibility of infection.[vii] Supplementing with vitamin C has also been shown to reduce the severity of the common cold, and zinc has been shown to decrease the duration of colds by around 33%.[viii] Echinacea, a traditional herbal remedy, is also a great preventative treatment to ensure that you are not getting sick in the first place.[ix]

Bye-Bye Winter Blues

As the sun sets earlier and the days are cold, some of us may notice a shift in our mood. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs seasonally and can involve an array of symptoms including sadness, oversleeping, overeating, and social withdrawal.[x] Studies suggest that people with winter-pattern SAD may have reduced levels of serotonin due to shorter daylight hours, vitamin D deficiency, and increased melatonin release.[xi] So, how can we best prepare for this? A light-therapy machine or a light box that offers 10,000 lux [xii] is a great place to start if you struggle a lot with SAD. Exposing yourself to the light box for 30 minutes per day, or getting 10–15 minutes of natural sunlight in the morning, is crucial for improving mood and melatonin production.[xiii] In addition, testing and supplementing for vitamin D levels during colder months can help curb some feelings of low mood alongside light therapy.[xiv]

Cold Weather, Shifting Sleep

Whether we “spring forward” or “fall back,” it seems as though daylight saving time never fails to disrupt our sleeping patterns. Light exposure throughout the day plays such an important role in what we refer to as our circadian rhythm, i.e. our body’s internal clock.[xv] It helps signal when we should be awake and alert and when it is time to rest, but it also has a big effect on mood and energy levels.[xvi] As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, some of us may need the support of melatonin supplementation to help adjust to changes in light exposure.[xvii] Taking anywhere between 0.5 and 5 mg of melatonin about an hour before bed can help reinforce a healthy sleep-wake cycle during the winter months.[xviii] Those in need of an energy boost may also consider supplementing with B vitamins, which can help support red blood–cell formation and the conversion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into usable energy.[xix]

Dry Skin SOS

When the humidity drops and the temperature outside is glacial, it is time to pay special attention to our skin. Following the same skincare routine year-round may not be sufficient, especially if you suffer from dry, itchy, cracked, or eczematous skin during the colder months. In order to prevent this, it is important to invest in fragrance-free, hydrating ointments and emollients containing ingredients such as jojoba oil, lanolin, shea butter, and hyaluronic acid.[xx] Hydrating the skin may also involve purchasing a humidifier, swapping from hot to warm showers, and steering clear of any products that will strip away the skin’s natural oils.[xxi] Another great addition is an omega‑3 fish oil, which can help decrease inflammation in the skin, support the skin’s lipid barrier, and reduce any redness or itchiness that may result from dry, cold weather.[xxii]

Ultimately, it is important that we recognize the ways in which our bodies shift seasonally. Like other mammals, humans tend to eat a little more and sleep a little longer in the winter months, which can be completely normal, though some shifts in mood and wellbeing can signal to ourselves and others that it is time for some extra support. This can include increasing your vitamin D levels, purchasing a humidifier, slathering on some shea butter, or adding in an omega‑3 fish oil. Nevertheless, by acknowledging and responding to these changes in season, we can better support our overall health while getting back to the things we love and enjoy in life.

Dr. Angelica Mastrodicasa, HBSc, ND

Dr. Mastrodicasa obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from CCNM where she continues to work as a teaching assistant between seeing patients in private practice. She is passionate about preventative medicine and provides care to individuals seeking to reclaim their health.




[i]       Volek, D. “As the season changes, how do our bodies respond?” Premier Medical Group. https://www.premiermedicalhv.com/news/season-changes-how-do-our-bodies-respond/. Published 2020‑10‑12.

[ii]       Soref, A. “Supplements you need in the fall.” Live Naturally. https://livenaturallymagazine.com/supplements/supplements-of-the-season/. [No date given.]

[iii]      Nicholson, L.B. “The immune system.” Essays in Biochemistry, Vol. 60, No. 3 (2016): 275–301.

[iv]      Ibid.

[v]       Colarossi, S. “How to protect yourself this cough & cold season.” Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. https://cdhf.ca/en/how-to-protect-yourself-this-cough-and-cold-season/. Updated 2024‑10‑21.

[vi]      Rondanelli, M., A. Miccono, S. Lamburghini, I. Avanzato, A. Riva, P. Allegrini, M.A. Faliva, G. Peroni, M. Nichetti, and S.Perna. “Self-care for common colds: The pivotal role of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea in three main immune interactive clusters (physical barriers, innate and adaptive immunity) involved during an episode of common colds—Practical advice on dosages and on the time to take these nutrients/botanicals in order to prevent or treat common colds.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2018 (2018): 5813095.

[vii]     Colarossi, op. cit.

[viii]     Rondanelli et al, op. cit.

[ix]      Ibid.

[x]       [No author listed.] “Seasonal affective disorder.” National Institute of Mental Health. Mental Health Information. Brochures and Fact Sheets. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/seasonal-affective-disorder. [No date given.]

[xi]      Ibid.

[xii]     Munir, S., S. Gunturu, and M. Abbas. “Seasonal affective disorder.” StatPearls [Internet]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK568745. Updated 2024‑04‑20.

[xiii]     Ibid.

[xiv]     Ibid.

[xv]     Suni, E., and A. Singh. “Light and sleep.” Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/bedroom-environment/light-and-sleep. Updated 2023‑11‑08.

[xvi]     Ibid.

[xvii]    Ibid.

[xviii]   Savage, R.A., S. Basnet, and J.‑M.M. Miller. “Melatonin.” StatPearls [Internet]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534823/. Updated 2024‑02‑09.

[xix]     Hanna, M., E. Jaqua, V. Nguyen, and J. Clay. “B vitamins: Functions and uses in medicine.” The Permanente Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2022): 89–97.

[xx]     Ludmann, P. “Dermatologists’ top tips for relieving dry skin.” American Academy of Dermatology Association. https://www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/skin-care-basics/dry/dermatologists-tips-relieve-dry-skin. Updated 2024‑05‑16.

[xxi]     [No author listed.] “What to do about dry skin in winter.” Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School. https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/what-to-do-about-dry-skin-in-winter. 2011‑02‑01.

[xxii]    Huang, T.‑H., P.‑W. Wang, S.‑C. Yang, W.‑L. Chou, and J.‑Y. Fang. “Cosmetic and therapeutic applications of fish oil’s fatty acids on the skin.” Marine Drugs, Vol. 16, No. 8 (2018): 256.