Probiotics Effectiveness: It’s All About the Delivery!

Let’s begin with the definition of probiotics; according to the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), probiotics are “Live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host.” The key word here is “live”!

Probiotic cells are commonly referred to as colony-forming units (CFUs). Only live cells can reproduce within the intestines to deliver on the promise of their scientifically researched benefits. It makes you wonder: How can you be certain that all the CFUs in your probiotic survive the harsh acids located in your stomach? Imagine walking into a battleground covered in pools of battery acid, where everything you touch is designed to liquify and decimate… How can probiotics possibly make it to your intestines alive?

Safe Passage Is Possible

Probiotics need to be protected from these harsh stomach acids, and there is a clinically proven method to do so. It is, in fact, the only scientifically proven method: Put them into a capsule, and then apply enteric coating.

What Exactly Is Enteric Coating?

Enteric coating is a dual process featuring a water-based, naturally sourced coating applied with sophisticated spray-drying technology. The process is not only time-consuming, but very costly, which could explain why so few companies actually use this procedure.

Capsules are made of two halves: The smaller half fits into the larger half. The joint of the capsule is the first point of weakness. Imagine getting into a submarine where the welder did not fully seal every joint.  Water enters as air escapes—we know how this story ends.

So How Does Enteric Coating Resolve This?

The first step in the process is the application of a subcoat which fully seals the joint of the capsule.

The next step takes care of the other obvious weakness: The integrity of the actual vegetable capsule. Capsules are made predominantly of either animal or fish gelatin, or vegetable cellulose—not plastic! They are designed to disintegrate. In the second step of the enteric-coating process, capsules are repeatedly sprinkled with hundreds of thousands of natural pH-formulated microscopic particles. These particles first bind to the capsule, layer upon layer, for hours, forming the protective enteric coating.

The hybrid action of this coating is brilliant. Even though it is composed of 100% natural ingredients (mostly of fatty acids and plant fibres), the multitude of microscopic layers bound together protects the capsule from harsh stomach acids. But that’s not all: The pH composition of these microparticles allows the coating to selectively release its contents only once it reaches the less acidic, safe environment of the intestines. It’s like having an impenetrable armoured tank that will only open its hatch once it senses the exterior environment is safe to exit into.

Scientifically Proven Survival, Delivery, and Release of LIVE Probiotics

The protective power of enteric coating has been proven in numerous clinical studies, performed with protocols set forth by the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) convention. These are the most advanced and respected standards, selected by more than 140 countries worldwide, in both natural-product communities and pharmaceutical companies. In these studies, probiotics in enteric-coated capsules survived the onslaught of harsh stomach acids. Label-stated amounts of CFUs were active and healthy when released into the friendly environment of the intestines, ready to work on improving your health.

Shouldn’t All Probiotics Be Enteric-Coated?

That would make sense. Reputable probiotic manufacturers are using this method to assure you get the benefits you expect. But, as stated, it’s a time-consuming process, and it’s significantly more expensive. Sadly, many companies don’t think your health is worth the added expense.

Don’t Delay… Get the Full Benefits!

Delayed-release capsules do not provide the same protection as enteric coating. Delayed-release capsules allow destructive stomach acids to enter the capsule through the unprotected joint in less than 30 minutes. The result? Harsh stomach acids immediately start killing off the delicate probiotics—they don’t stand a chance!

If you’re paying for a probiotic with a label claim stating 50 billion live CFUs, shouldn’t you get the actual health benefits promised? And don’t you want them arriving alive and healthy so they can work for you? Only enteric-coated capsules deliver on the promise.

You’ve made the choice to take a probiotic to improve your health. Choose one that will allow you to get all the benefits promised… Choose enteric-coated!

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Jordan Champagne, BSc. With a degree in biology, Jordan employs an analytical approach to validate the science that supports natural health solutions.