Smile: Beautiful, Good, and Free!

Here’s a little trick that’s simple and free. Look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning, see the reflection in your eyes, and repeat several times, “I am a wonderful person worthy of the infinite love that created me” followed with a big, beautiful smile! Although this process seems strange, try it every morning and feed your soul with gratitude, love, and a touch of humour.

Then, make an effort to consciously offer at least one person each the day this recognition of love. For a few seconds, summon your courage and go over your pride or the embarrassment that holds you back from opening your heart and taking the leap. A smile, encouragement, a favour, a listening ear, a hug, a sincere compliment, a thank you; the greatest expressions of love are in the simplest actions. Regardless of income, title, popularity; regardless of the diploma, gender, height, weight, success; the important thing is that your intention is carried by love. Love is sincere, unselfish; love loves without expecting anything in return, without desire. It gives and forgets that it has given, it does not keep score of it! Love leaves the other free; it respects his/her choice. It is free and spreads joy in the heart of the person who receives it.

Today, you have the power to create a better world for you, but also for your loved ones and to those you meet. It’s your turn! You can do it. Try it and you will see that it is viral. Love is viral; a smile is viral. They spread and always come back in one form or another! Come on: Smile with a child’s heart!


Isabelle Beaudoin

Certified yoga instructor and early childhood educator.
