Workout the Canadian Way!

It can be challenging to hit the gym with a clear blue sky, warm air, and sunshine. So, why not take advantage of our beautiful Canadian summers and hit the outdoors instead! Being active outdoors can make your workout more enjoyable, and leave you feeling uplifted and energized. As Canadians, we only get a few months of warm weather, so why not make the most of it and get active with nature?

Outdoor Workout: 30-Minute Total Body Workout

15-Minute Walk/Jog Around the Block

Try these muscle-toning exercises after your walk/jog. Complete these six exercises as many times as you can in 15 minutes. Improving your record or increasing your time to 20–30 minutes can be a fun summer challenge. Are you ready to take the challenge?

15 Push-Ups
(Working your chest and arms)

Tip: You can do push-ups from your knees or standing up against a wall

30 Squats
(Working your legs and glutes)

Reminder: Keep the weight in your heels as you sit back

20 Bicycles
(Working your side core)

Reminder: If you move slower, you will feel the burn more

20 Sit-Ups
(Working your core)

Tip: If this is too challenging, you can always crunch instead, lifting the head and shoulders off the ground

20 Pelvic Lifts
(Bridge pose; working the back of your legs and gluts)

Reminder: Lift and lower down to a hover

10 Triceps Dips
(Working the back of your arms, lift and lower your bottom)

Reminder: Bend those elbows as you lower down

Tip: You can use a bench or step if you have one nearby

Other Ways to Get Active in Nature:


Find trails near you, and explore them—alone or with loved ones. It is a great way to get active, enjoy the weather, and explore nature. If you want to kick it up a notch, try trail-running. The hills and uneven ground will work your muscles extra hard and provide you with a challenging workout.

Water Activities

On those superhot days, try getting active in the water. You can swim, row, test out your balance on a paddle board, work your legs in a paddle boat, or just goof around in the water—maybe play some pool volleyball? These can be fun ways to get active while you are enjoying the summer weather.

Reminder: Drink lots of water, especially when you are being active outdoors!

Sport Fun

Playing sports doesn’t always have to be competitive. Get outside with family and friends, throw a baseball around; play basketball, street hockey, tennis, or soccer. Enjoy the weather and great company!


Parks can be great for children, but why not make the most of your visit too? Walk/jog around the park, or find things you can use to work those muscles (e.g. benches for push-ups or step-ups).

Being active will likely leave you hungry. It is important to fuel your body postworkout with healthy foods. The combination of carbohydrates and protein makes for the perfect postworkout snack. It will help refuel your body and feed your muscles at the same time! Try this smoothie recipe with some delicious Canadian strawberries.


 Angela Wallace

 A registered dietician with the College of Dietitians
 of Ontario, personal trainer and family food expert
 who specializes in women and child nutrition and
 fitness, she loves helping families get healthy
