Flourish | New Roots Herbal | Natural Health Products
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Strengthen Your Health One Cell at a Time
What is Cellular Health? Cellular health is an emerging concept that overall health depends on the wellbeing and functionality of individual...
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Saffron (Crocus sativa): An Ancient Herb for Everyday Health
Saffron (Crocus sativus), as many of you Flourish readers may already know, is one of the most expensive spices known worldwide—this is...
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The Nose Knows: The Power of Scents and Essential Oils
The sense of smell, often underrated, plays a pivotal role in our daily lives—influencing emotions, memories, and overall wellbeing. The...
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Most Common Questions an ND Hears
As a naturopathic doctor (ND) in practice for almost 20 years, I often encounter the same three questions. If you are currently seeing an ND, or if...
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Springtime Gut Reset: Should I Be Taking Probiotics?
Springtime signals a fresh start. Longer days and renewed motivation mean revisiting New Year’s resolutions and focusing more on health. Let...
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From Panic to “I Will Be All Right”
Read about the honest and emotional journey of a 59-year-old Montrealer who confronted and navigated the complexities and taboos of prostate-health...
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Could My Child Have ADHD? Signs, Causes, and Natural Treatments
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children, adolescents, and adults. It can...
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Borderline Cholesterol: Insights and Tips from a Naturopathic Doctor
The Role of Cholesterol Cholesterol is a type of fat which can be obtained from food sources and is also produced by the liver. Cholesterol is...
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Celiac v. Gluten‑Free
“Gluten” has become a buzzword over the past several years, causing some confusion between what eating gluten-free means and who needs...
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Is Your Man Missing Out?
Is your partner reluctant to attend activities which require prolonged sitting, losing spontaneity with intimacy, or missing some of life’s...
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Magnesium Stearate: The Controversial Compound?
Magnesium stearate is among the most polarizing nonmedicinal ingredients employed in the supplement industry. Yet, it keeps appearing on the...
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From Gout to Glory: Rising Above Joint Pain
Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis characterized by sudden severe-onset joint pain, usually just one joint at a time. The big toe is most...
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Don’t Forget Bacopa monnieri: An Ancient Herb Turned Modern Nootropic
Nootropics, also known as “smart drugs,” are a diverse group of substances whose action improves brain function, learning, and memory....
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Osteoporosis and the Aging Woman: Can Natural Health Products Help?
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones. Our bones continually regenerate through a natural process that replaces old bone with new...
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Is There an Alpha among Omegas?
In the realm of natural health products, omegas have emerged as industry leaders, providing numerous benefits for our wellbeing. However, with a...
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Fibre Factor: Are You Getting Enough?
Most of us have heard that we need to get more fibre, but how many understand what it really is, how it works in our body, and why it’s so...
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