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What’s Causing Your Winter Blues? (And How to Beat Them!)
For some, winter is the most glorious time of year. The crisp air, the pretty snow, figure eights on local skating rinks, followed by steaming hot...
Posted Feb 16, 2017|Health
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Vitamin D and Adrenals—Emerging Research
Vitamin D has been in the spotlight in recent years. More Canadians are becoming aware of its importance in a number of roles including mood,...
Posted Nov 17, 2017|Health
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Autoimmunity and Natural Health Products
“Autoimmunity” refers to a category of health conditions characterized by the immune system inappropriately attacking the...
Posted Jan 9, 2018|Health
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The Sunshine Vitamin: A Ray of Hope for Moderating COVID-19 Symptoms
Sometimes, we have good news worth sharing; this is one of those cases. Upon seeing a new study promoted by CTV News, I was compelled to share it...
Posted Jul 28, 2020|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Infections and Health
Our family has not been sick since the spring. With two young kids, one starting preschool and the other in kindergarten, we would usually expect...
Posted Apr 6, 2021|Naturopathic Currents
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Vitamin D: More Than Just Some Sun!
The beautiful days have arrived, the winter blues are gone, and the temptation can be great to abandon our bottle of vitamin D at the back of...
Posted Aug 9, 2021|Health
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Seasonal Affective Disorder: “Beating the Winter Blues”
Late fall and winter can be a mentally challenging time of year for many Canadians: The weather gets colder, the days get shorter, and people spend...
Posted Jan 5, 2022|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Summertime Fun, Sun, and Exercise
Ah! summer—long days full of sunshine and heat. Time to soak in some sun and enjoy the great outdoors! But take care, because too much sun...
Posted Aug 12, 2022|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Winter Blues: Is It SAD or Something Worse?
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a mental-health condition usually brought on by the changing of seasons, particularly during the fall and...
Posted Jan 9, 2024|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Arthritis—The Role of Natural Health Products
Arthritis refers to any number of conditions causing joint pain, swelling, and stiffness resulting in disability. According to the Public Health...
Posted Mar 19, 2018|Health
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Hypothyroidism—Causes and Management
Hypothyroidism: What Is It? Hypothyroidism is a term used to describe an underactive thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is further classified...
Posted May 7, 2018|Naturopathic Currents
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Autoimmune Health—Top 3 Supplements to Restore Immune Function
A healthy immune system is self-recognizing—it can recognize healthy cells as “self” and foreign cells as “nonself.”...
Posted Mar 14, 2018|Health
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Can Vitamin D Crush the Next Wave?
It was only a matter of time before a formal human clinical study supported the countless appeals from the scientific community to administer...
Posted Oct 2, 2020|Health
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Balancing Sunshine, Safety, and Vitamin D
As the sunny weather is upon us, it is a great time to take advantage of our body’s wonderful ability to work with the sun in order to...
Posted Jun 25, 2024|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Is There an Alpha among Omegas?
In the realm of natural health products, omegas have emerged as industry leaders, providing numerous benefits for our wellbeing. However, with a...
Posted Jul 31, 2023|Health
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New Roots Herbal’s Children's Line
Are you really prepared for the upcoming school year?
Posted Sep 14, 2016|Health
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Kids vs Bugs
Now that fall has set in and the winter months are approaching, chances are your child has experienced some sort of sickness and their immune...
Posted Nov 10, 2017|Health
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Children’s Health: Setting the Foundation
  New and experienced parents alike fret about the health of their children. Children seem to get sick more often than adults, especially...
Posted Jul 13, 2018|Health
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Do Kids Need Supplements?
Nutrition is important at every age; however, during childhood years, it is of particular importance to help support growth, learning, and overall...
Posted Oct 27, 2022|Lifestyle & Wellness
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